Another broken promise – Kathy Hochul campaigns with Pelosi

October 4, 2012

If one thing is clear in this election it’s that Kathy Hochul isn’t living up to her promises. In fact, Hochul is back at it – trying to mislead Western New Yorkers about who is bankrolling her campaign.

What Hochul Says: “When I was running for election I promised to be an independent voice for the district.”

What Hochul Does: “Incumbent Democrat Hochul…heads to Manhattan today for an event benefiting her and select other New York congressional candidates. It will be headlined by none other than House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi and former Vice President Al Gore.”

Not only has Hochul taken more than $24,000 in campaign cash from the controversial leader Nancy Pelosi, but she’s supporting her tax and spend agenda in return.

As you cover Pelosi and Hochul raising  cash in Manhattan today for their job destroying agenda, consider the following quote:

NRCC Comment: “How disingenuous of Kathy Hochul to claim she’s independent while taking more than $24,000 in campaign cash from Nancy Pelosi.  Western New Yorkers should be outraged at Hochul’s double-talk, trying to fool them about her record that has increased taxes on Western New York families.”  – NRCC spokesman Nat Sillin