NRCC Highlights Tim Bishop As Latest “Corrupt Democrat”

October 4, 2012

New York Congressman Exchanges Personal Favors For Campaign Cash

WASHINGTON – For agreeing to help a wealthy constituent in exchange for thousands of dollars in campaign donations, the National Republican Congressional Committee named New York Congressman Tim Bishop as this week’s Most Corrupt Democrat. Highlighting Democrats’ above-the-law actions and unethical behavior each week, a new web ad highlights how Bishop helped a constituent obtain a permit for fireworks at an event, then solicited the constituent to donate funds to his re-election campaign.

“Tim Bishop’s shady behavior and dishonesty towards New Yorkers is shocking,” said NRCC Communications Director Paul Lindsay. “New York families are already struggling in a weak economy, they shouldn’t have to be forced to ensure their representative’s loyalty with a check.”



The script for this ad is as follows:

ANNOUNCER: From personal favors to cover ups, backroom deals to special trips. These are the 10 most corrupt Dems of 2012.

This week’s Corrupt Democrat: New Yorker Tim Bishop.

ANNOUNCER: Want this Long Island Congressman to help you…well it’ll cost ya.

In May, a constituent contacted the Congressman asking for help obtaining a permit for fireworks.

Bishop agreed to help, but then sent his team to solicit thousands of dollars in campaign cash.

The campaign contacted the constituent and closed the deal — $5,000.

BISHOP: I have helped thousands of constituents because it’s the right thing to do, and I’ve never asked for anything in return.

ANNOUNCER: No . He has his staff for that.

BISHOP: My opponent, Randy Altschuler, says I’m a criminal.

You know me.

ANNOUNCER: Yes Tim, we do.

DISCLAIMER: The National Republican Congressional Committee is responsible for the content of this advertising.
