Boswell’s Pain at the Pump

October 16, 2012

Feeling the pain at the pump these days? That doesn’t matter to Leonard Boswell. He came out last week in support of increasing the gas tax!

President Obama said that he wanted energy prices to “necessarily skyrocket” under his cap-and-trade plan, and it looks like Boswell is following suit:

  •  When Boswell came to Washington in 1997, gas was roughly $1.32 nationally.
  •  Today, average gas prices in Iowa are $3.69.

NRCC COMMENT: “Even with gas prices reaching almost $4 a gallon for Iowa families, Leonard Boswell says that we need to raise the gas tax. Leonard Boswell has been in Washington too long and he doesn’t understand how Iowa families can’t afford more pain at the pump.” – NRCC Spokeswoman Andrea Bozek