now that is a scary sight…
Charlie Wilson enjoying a free ride and some Halloween candy on Air Force One with his wingman President Obama.
As Ohioans know all too well, Charlie dressed up as a moderate Blue Dog Democrat in Ohio, then took marching orders from Obama in Washington. Even after voters fired him for hitting them with President Obama’s Medicare cuts, War on Coal, and trillion dollar stimulus that shipped jobs to China, Charlie is hoping to fool voters by masking these votes with a desperate campaign and false TV ads.
NRCC COMMENT: “Congressman Charlie Wilson likes to dress up as a moderate Blue Dog Democrat in Ohio, but in Washington he tag-teamed Barack Obama’s War on Coal, government takeover of healthcare, and failed stimulus. Apparently Obama felt like rewarding his wingman Charlie with a free ride on Air Force One, but Ohio voters won’t be so generous in November.” – NRCC spokeswoman Christyn Keyes