DWS’s Top 5 “Greatest” Hits
Yesterday, President Obama asked her to stay on as head of the DNC. Debbie is known for telling some whoppers, but as Obama’s leading spokeswoman, it’s clear that she’ll say whatever it takes to smear Republicans. Here are five of her “greatest” moments:
1. May 26, 2011: Debbie says that Republicans are “anti-woman”
2. June 5, 2011: Debbie says Republicans want to “literally drag us all the way back to Jim Crow laws”
3. Oct. 11, 2012: Debbie says Republicans are “un-American” for seeking answers to the Benghazi attack
4. Sept. 3, 2012: Debbie gets caught on audiotape fabricating an Israeli Ambassador quote to attack Republicans: “I’ve heard no less than Amb. Michael Oren say this, that what the Republicans are doing is dangerous for Israel.”
5. Apr. 7, 2011: Debbie says Paul Ryan’s budget plan “would literally be a death trap for seniors.”
This is just a sampling of the things Debbie will say to attack Republicans.
We can’t let Debbie and her Democrat friends get away with this. If you can’t stand her attacks, help us fight back against them with a gift of $10, or whatever you can. We can put an end to this.