FLASHBACK: Pelosi “Whatever It Is, I’m With The Constitution”

January 15, 2013

We get it.

All this talk about raising the debt ceiling without spending cuts can be confusing.

Earlier this month, Nancy Pelosi implored President Obama to raise the debt ceiling unilaterally using the 14th Amendment.


“PELOSI: In fact, if I were president, I’d use the 14th Amendment, which says that the debt of the United States will always be paid. SCHIEFFER: You would just go ahead and do it, you wouldn’t wait for the Congress? PELOSI: I would just go do it.” (CBS’ “Face The Nation,” 1/6/13)

But she wasn’t always quite as constitutionally accurate when looking for ways to justify raising the debt ceiling. This video is from November 2012.

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We suggest a trusty pocket copy of the U.S. Constitution—like the one found here. It’s the perfect size to rationalize bankrupting the country.

Tell Nancy Pelosi and Barack Obama that their spending is hurting the country. Sign our petition here: www.nrcc.org/spending.