Polling Memo: No Budget, No Pay

January 28, 2013

Debt & Spending: No Budget, No Pay

Recent data from Pew shows just how serious Americans view the federal government’s debt and spending problem.  Over the past four years, “reducing the budget deficit” has seen a 19-pt jump in terms of American’s “policy priorities” for the next year.

With heightened concern, it should come as no surprise new data from Harper Polling shows an overwhelming 72% majority in favor of the House’s “No budget, No pay” plan passed Wednesday.  To quote Newsmax, “The logic behind ‘no budget, no pay’ goes like this: Passing a budget is the core responsibility of Congress, so why should lawmakers get paid if they don’t do their main job?”

Americans undoubtedly agree.



POLLSTER: Pew Research Center for the People & the Press

DATE: Conducted 1/9-13/2013

SAMPLE: Sampled 1,502 Adults; MoE ±2.9%



POLLSTER: Harper Polling for Conservative Intel

DATE: Conducted 1/22/2013

SAMPLE: Sampled 1,900 Respondents; MoE ±2.25%
