As seen on TV…New House Dems Gone Washington

January 29, 2013

Well that didn’t take long. Today, some newly elected vulnerable Democrats are taking time out of their busy schedules to star in a House Majority PAC infomercial – where they thank Washington special interests for getting them elected!  Check out the ad here

This is unprecedented: Members of Congress thanking specials interests and cutting a commercial for an outside group that they are barred from coordinating with.

On top of the fact most of these Members have criticized these types of groups in the past…

  • Ami Bera in July 2012:  Outside Money Is “Corrosive To Politics” (Sacramento Bee, 7/22/2012)
  • Kyrsten Sinema in January 2012: “I’ll Stand Up To The Powerful In Washington…”  (YouTube, 1/2/2012)
  • Cheri Bustos In October 2012: “I’m An Independent Thinker…I Have No Intention Of Letting Washington Or Anybody Else Change Who I Am.” (The Quad-City Times, 10/14/12)
  • Elizabeth Esty On Election Night: “We Proved…Connecticut Cannot Be Bought.” (Elizabeth Esty, Remarks, 11/6/12)

A far cry from their praise of Nancy Pelosi’s Super PAC today…

  • Ami Bera:  “We Were Grateful When House Majority PAC Was Formed.” (YouTube, 1/29/13)
  • Kyrsten Sinema: “If It Wasn’t For House Majority PAC, I Wouldn’t Be Here Today.”(YouTube, 1/29/13)
  • Elizabeth Esty: “I Wouldn’t Be Here Today If It Weren’t For House Majority PAC.” (YouTube, 1/29/13)

NRCC COMMENT: “In Congress less than a month and these vulnerable Democrats are already chomping at the bit to thank the Washington special interest group that spent millions on Nancy Pelosi’s behalf to get them elected. I guess the apple doesn’t fall far from Nancy Pelosi’s money tree.” – NRCC spokeswoman Andrea Bozek