2 Graphics that Show Obama Owns the Sequester
Obama continues to blame others on his failures. This time, it’s the sequester.
The sequester was the White House’s idea:
Screenshot of a passage from Bob Woodward’s book: The Price of Politics. Jack Lew was Obama’s Office of Management and Budget Director at the time. Rob Nabors is currently Obama’s Deputy Chief of Staff.
Obama threatened to veto any attempt to get rid of it:
Screenshot of Forbes.com article from November 2011.
Obama owns the sequester. Period.
Politifact Rated President Obama’s Claim That Sequestration Was Congress’ Idea MOSTLY FALSE. (Molly Moorhead, “Barack Obama Says Congress Owns Sequestration Cuts,” Politifact, 10/24/12)
According To Politifact, Even Though President Obama Blames Congress, “Obama’s Negotiating Team Came Up With [The Sequester].” “Obama said that the sequester — and the defense cuts that would result from it — was not his proposition. ‘It is something that Congress has proposed,’ he said in the debate. But it was Obama’s negotiating team that came up with the idea for defense cuts in 2011…” (Molly Moorhead, “Barack Obama Says Congress Owns Sequestration Cuts,” Politifact, 10/24/12)