State of Denial

February 13, 2013

President Obama Offered Nothing Except 59 Minutes Of Empty Rhetoric

  • On issues ranging from his sequester to spending and ObamaCare, President Obama showed he is in a State of Denial when it comes to the real problems facing American families.
  • Just hours after the White House admitted that the sequester was President Obama’s idea, the president called it a “really bad idea.”
  • He also claimed his proposals won’t add “one dime” to the deficit, yet he said the very same thing about ObamaCare in 2009…and that’s currently set to cost $1.3 trillion.
  • And to top it off, he even tried to say ObamaCare was lowering healthcare costs. Yet, reports show that private healthcare premiums are rising by 108 percent.

White House Press Secretary Jay Carney Admitted Today That Sequestration Was The President’s Idea. (, 2/12/13)

According To Bob Woodward, Sequestration Was Clearly The White House’s Idea.” “At 2:30 p.m. Lew and Nabors went to the Senate to meet with Reid and his chief of staff, David Krone. ‘We have an idea for the trigger,’ Lew said. ‘What’s the idea?’ Reid asked skeptically. ‘Sequestration.’ (Bob Woodward, The Price Of Politics, 2012, pp. 326)

Politifact Rated President Obama’s Claim That Sequestration Was Congress’ Idea MOSTLY FALSE. (Molly Moorhead, “Barack Obama Says Congress Owns Sequestration Cuts,” Politifact, 10/24/12)

  • According To Politifact, Even Though President Obama Blames Congress, “Obama’s Negotiating Team Came Up With [The Sequester].” “Obama said that the sequester — and the defense cuts that would result from it — was not his proposition. ‘It is something that Congress has proposed,’ he said in the debate. But it was Obama’s negotiating team that came up with the idea for defense cuts in 2011…” (Molly Moorhead, “Barack Obama Says Congress Owns Sequestration Cuts,” Politifact, 10/24/12)

The Washington Post Gave Obama “Four Pinocchios” For The Same Claim. (Glenn Kessler, “Obama’s Fanciful Claim That Congress ‘Proposed’ The Sequester,” The Washington Post, 10/26/12)

  • “[S]equestration Was A Proposal Advanced And Promoted By The White House” “[Bob] Woodward’s detailed account of meetings during the crisis, clearly based on interviews with key participants and contemporaneous notes, make it clear that sequestration was a proposal advanced and promoted by the White House.”(Glenn Kessler, “Obama’s Fanciful Claim That Congress ‘Proposed’ The Sequester,” The Washington Post, 10/26/12)

The Washington Post’s Bob Woodward: “[P]resident Obama Told A Whopper” (Glenn Kessler, “Obama’s Fanciful Claim That Congress ‘Proposed’ The Sequester,” The Washington Post, 10/26/12)

  • Woodward: “What The President Said Is Not Correct…” “‘What the president said is not correct,’ Woodward told POLITICO Tuesday. ‘He’s mistaken. And it’s refuted by the people who work for him.’” (Leigh Munsil, “Bob Woodward: Obama ‘Mistaken’ On Sequester,” Politico, 10/23/12)

Four Years Ago, President Obama Also Vowed Obamacare Would Not Add One Dime To The Deficit. (, 12/21/09)

  • An Updated CBO Report Said Recently Obamacare’s Cost Has Risen To $1.3 Trillion. (Elise Viebeck, “Obama Health Law Will Cost $1.3T, CBO Says,” The Hill, 2/5/13)

Obamacare Will Raise Private Healthcare Premiums By 108 Percent. “Once the ObamaCare Exchanges and Medicaid expansion take effect in 2014, private health insurance premium growth will increase 108 percent faster than what would have occurred prior to ObamaCare.” (“Obama Administration Officials Confirm a Future of Higher Health Care Costs and Spending Under ObamaCare,” Ways and Means Committee, 1/8/13)