NRCC To Tierney: End Your Silence On Markey’s Offensive Remarks

February 22, 2013

It’s been almost two days and John Tierney is still silent on Congressman Ed Markey’s offensive comments comparing campaign finance law to slavery. Rather than apologize for his shameful rhetoric, Markey doubled-down on it. Since Markey won’t back away from such an outrageous statement, the National Republican Campaign Committee is calling on John Tierney to condemn Markey’s comments immediately.


“John Tierney’s silence is deafening,” said NRCC Communications Director Andrea Bozek. “He must speak out and condemn Congressman Markey’s offensive comments on slavery—otherwise it proves that he shares that view. These outrageous statements have no place in our political discourse.”

On Tuesday, Ed Markey Compared A Campaign Finance Ruling To The Dred Scott Decision. “Rep. Ed Markey on Tuesday compared the Supreme Court’s Citizens United campaign finance decision to the 1858 Dred Scott decision upholding slavery during a campaign speech in Pittsfield, Mass. … “I want to go to the United States Senate in order to fight for a constitutional amendment to repeal Citizens United. The whole idea that the Koch brothers, that Karl Rove can say we’re coming to Massachusetts, to any state of the union with undisclosed amounts of money is a pollution, which must be changed,” Markey said to loud applause.” (John Stanton, “Ed Markey Compares Campaign Finance Ruling To Decision Upholding Slavery,” Buzzfeed, 2/21/13)

tierney and markey
Markey Then Doubled-Down On His Offensive Remarks Thursday Afternoon. “In a statement today, Markey repeated his opposition to Citizens United and criticized Republicans for failing to embrace a pact to

curb spending from political action committees in the senate election. But, he did not disavow his earlier remarks.” (Noah Bierman, “Markey Holds Firm On Comments Comparing Campaign Finance Ruling To Dred Scott,” The Boston Globe, 2/21/13)

A Fellow Member Of The Massachusetts Delegation, Congressman Stephen Lynch, Already Condemned Markey’s Comments. “Markey’s opponent in the Democratic primary, Representative Stephen Lynch, condemned the comment, as did Republicans.” (Noah Bierman, “Markey Holds Firm On Comments Comparing Campaign Finance Ruling To Dred Scott,” The Boston Globe, 2/21/13)

In 2012, Tierney Said He Was Proud To Have Markey As A Colleague And To Have His Support. (, Accessed On 2/21/13)