NRCC Launches Budget Petition: Join Paul Ryan By Co-Signing The House Republican Budget

March 12, 2013

Republicans’ Budget Balances in 10 Years; Democrats’ Plan Never Balances 

The National Republican Congressional Committee launched a petition this morning encouraging Americans to co-sign the Ryan Budget following its release by the House Budget Committee earlier today. The House Republican budget balances in 10 years, preserves and protects Medicare for our nation’s seniors, and would help to create thousands of middle-class American jobs. The President and the Democrats’ plan never balances and sticks future generations with mounting deficits and higher taxes.

“The Ryan Budget offers a balanced and sensible approach to addressing our nation’s fiscal concerns,” said NRCC Communications Director Andrea Bozek. “Democrats are offering an approach that never, ever balances the budget. Americans know that in order to grow jobs and the economy we must balance our budget.”


From Fiscal Year 2009 To Fiscal Year 2012, President Obama Has Run Trillion-Dollar Budget Deficits. (Summary Of Receipts, Outlays, and Surpluses Or Deficits, Office Of Management And Budget, Accessed On 3/8/13)

The Ryan Budget will ensure that future generations have access to the Medicare program, and that today’s seniors will still be taken care of. (CNN’s Political Ticker, “Ryan says House GOP budget will included Obamacare repeal.” 3/10/13)

The Ryan Budget will balance the budget in 10 years. (CNN’s Political Ticker, “Ryan says House GOP budget will included Obamacare repeal.” 3/10/13)

President Obama has not released a budget this year. (Jeremy Herb, “Obama budget delayed until April.” The Hill, 3/8/13)