Rahall Far Below the Mendoza Line
In baseball, if you’re batting below .200, you’re under the Mendoza Line; it’s not a place a player wants to be.
When it comes to balanced budgets, Nick Rahall is WAY below the Mendoza line.
In fact, in the 36 years that he’s been in Congress, we’ve only seen four balanced budgets. Rahall is batting .111.
Maybe it’s time to create a Rahall Line.
Meanwhile, the plan put forward by President Obama, House Democrats, and Senate Democrats is to NEVER balance the budget.
“Nick Rahall has been in Congress since 1977 and all he has to show for it is unbalanced budgets and $16 trillion dollars in new debt. It’s time for Rahall to step up to the plate and demand that President Obama and the Democrats stop ringing up trillion dollar deficits and balance the budget.” – NRCC Spokesman Ian Prior
Politico, W.H.: Obama not looking to balance budget, Slack (3/11/13)
Washington Post, Senate prepares to roll out budget blueprint, Montgomery (3/11/13)
Chris Van Hollen refuses to say whether Democrats will balance the budget, The Daily Rundown (3/11/13)