On the Third Anniversary of ObamaCare, Will Tim Bishop Still Support the Job-Destroying Law?

March 22, 2013

FYI, a similar version of this release went to the following Districts: Ann Kirkpatrick (AZ-01), Ron Barber (AZ-02), John Barrow (GA-12), Dave Loebsack (IA-02), Bill Foster (IL-11), Tim Walz (MN-01), Collin Peterson (MN-07) Tim Bishop (NY-01), Bill Owens (NY-21), Dan Maffei (NY-24), Carol Shea-Porter (NH-01), Jim Matheson (UT-04), Nick Rahall (WV-03)

Bishop Voted for ObamaCare and Against Any Type of Repeal

With the third anniversary of President Obama’s infamous health care law right around the corner, New York’s hard-working families are wondering – does Tim Bishop still support ObamaCare? The law cuts billions of dollars from Medicare, is causing insurance premiums for millions of Americans to skyrocket, and is stifling small business growth nationwide.

We have seen the impact that these harmful policies are having on our country, and it’s time for Bishop to put an end to his support of the job-destroying law.

“It’s time for Tim Bishop to admit that his vote for ObamaCare and the thousands of regulations that come with it was not the right decision for our country,” said NRCC Communications Director Andrea Bozek. “With nationwide unemployment still high, millions of seniors concerned with the future of their care, and families struggling to pay their significantly higher insurance premiums, it’s clearly time for Bishop and President Obama to admit this law has disastrous effects on our country.”

For more information on the consequences of ObamaCare visit – www.nrcc.org/living-under-obamacare


Tim Bishop voted for Obamacare. (H.R. 3590, 3/21/2010).

Tim Bishop voted against the repeal of Obamacare. (H.R. 2, 1/19/2011).

The American Medical Association opposed the Independent Payment Advisory Board (IPAB) created under ObamaCare which is authorized to make “arbitrary across-the-board cuts to physicians and other providers.” (American Medical Association Web site, accessed 3/13/2013)

In 2012, a survey found that 74% of doctors would stop accepting Medicare patients or will leave Medicare entirely because of Obamacare. (Marc Siegel, “How ObamaCare Hurts Seniors,” New York Daily News, 8/22/2012)

Under ObamaCare, health insurance premiums for families are now about $3,000 higher, instead of $2,500 lower as President Obama promised. (Merrill Matthews and Mark E. Litow op-ed, “ObamaCare’s Health-Insurance Sticker Shock,” The Wall Street Journal, 1/13/2013)

In a recent survey, 61% of business owners cited concerns about the cost of healthcare as a reason for not hiring more people. Under ObamaCare, healthcare premiums have continued to rise. (Dennis Jacobe, “More U.S. Small Businesses Cutting Workers Than Hiring,” Gallup, 1/31/2013; Merrill Matthews and Mark E. Litow op-ed, “ObamaCare’s Health-Insurance Sticker Shock,” The Wall Street Journal, 1/13/2013)