Not a Lot of Smoke and Mirrors in Here? Twitter Disagrees.
In his press conference announcing his budget, President Obama said “There’s not a lot of smoke and mirrors in here.”
Not a lot, eh? Twitter is skeptical:
POTUS on budget: “The numbers work. There is not a lot of smoke and mirrors here.” Republicans disagree, say deficit reduction exaggerated
— Major Garrett(@MajorCBS) April 10, 2013
Obama “there’s not a lot of smoke and mirrors in this budget”. Hmm, how much then and where is it? — Mike Rasic (@MikeRasic) April 10, 2013
POTUS: “Not a lot of smoke and mirrors in here…” Seriously? So, that means there’s some? — Douglas Holtz-Eakin (@djheakin) April 10, 2013
Maybe a little, but “not a lot” RT @billriggs: “Not a lot of smoke and mirrors.” Not a lot.#budget — gretchen hamel (@DCgretchen) April 10, 2013
Obama claims there is no smoke and mirrors in his #budget. I’d say adding $3.8 trillion in new #spending is definitely some smoke! — Common Sense (@SensibleCuts) April 10, 2013
RT if you have a hard time believing this – Obama says his budget doesn’t have “a lot of smoke and mirrors in here” — RNC Research (@RNCResearch) April 10, 2013
Let’s clear away some of that smoke:
Gross debt will still be 100 percent of the economy at the end of 10 years under the president’s budget.
— Douglas Holtz-Eakin (@djheakin) April 10, 2013
Obama’s budget includes more than $1T in assorted tax and fee increases — a lot more than the $580B advertised in deficit reduction plan. — Steven Dennis (@StevenTDennis) April 10, 2013
More than $1 trillion in new taxes. Nearly $1 trillion in new spending. Take more to spend more. — William Allison (@WilliamAllison) April 10, 2013
Obama’s budget: $1.1 trillion in new taxes, $8.2 trillion in new debt, nearly $1 trillion in new spending, and it won’t balance — ever.
— Senate Republicans (@Senate_GOPs) April 10, 2013
Obama budget skyrockets the total U.S. debt in 2023 to $25.4 trillion.
— Ellen Carmichael (@ellencarmichael) April 10, 2013