Annie Kuster Returns Tax Prep Software to NRCC, But Has She Paid and Returned Her Taxes?
NRCC also questions whether she used taxpayer dollars to send back the software
Last week, the NRCC delivered a tax software program to Annie Kuster to help her fix her tax delinquency problems. This week, Kuster sent the software back, using air mail to send it from her Washington D.C. office to the NRCC office across the street.
“The NRCC sent Annie Kuster tax prep software so that she could pay and file her taxes on time for once,” said NRCC Spokesman Ian Prior. “Since she has returned that software to us, we can only assume that she has filed and paid her taxes for the year and is ready to provide her constituents with confirmation. Kuster also needs to verify that she did not use taxpayer funds to mail this software back to the NRCC when she could have brought it back to Washington after recess and had someone hand deliver it across the street.”