Will Tim Walz Call On President Obama To Stop Stalling On Keystone?

April 24, 2013

FYI, a similar version of this release below went out to the following districts: Jim Costa (CA-16), John Barrow (GA-12), Collin Peterson (MN-07), and Jim Matheson (UT-04).

Keystone Would Bring Jobs And Energy Security, But Obama Is Running Out The Clock


WASHINGTON – After four years of exhaustive study and a report from the State Department, President Obama is still dragging his feet on the Keystone Pipeline. On Monday, the EPA said the plan to bring thousands of jobs and energy security to our country needs even more “study.”

It’s clear that President Obama is kowtowing to the liberal fringes of his party and running out the clock on the Keystone Pipeline. The National Republican Congressional Committee is calling on Tim Walz to stand up to the president and his administration and tell them to stop stalling and approve the Keystone Pipeline once and for all. Minnesota families—as well as families across the country—are looking for leaders who will stop the political games and do what’s right.

“It’s time for Tim Walz to take on President Obama and the extreme elements in his party who stand in the way of the Keystone Pipeline,” said NRCC Communications Director Andrea Bozek. “Only in Washington would four years studying a plan that would create jobs and bring energy independence be called ‘insufficient.’”

The EPA Questioned The State Department’s Analysis Of The Keystone Pipeline—Calling For Even More Time To Study It.  “The Environmental Protection Agency again is raising objections to the proposed Keystone XL pipeline that would carry oil from western Canada to the Texas Gulf Coast. The EPA said that despite more than four years of study, the State Department still has not done sufficient analysis of the project’s environmental impact.” (Matthew Daly, “EPA Again Questions Keystone XL Pipeline,” Associated Press, 4/22/13)

75 Percent Of Americans Support The Keystone Pipeline. “A majority of Americans and Canadians back TransCanada Corp.’s proposed Keystone XL pipeline and say securing a stable energy supply for North America should be a bigger priority than reducing carbon emissions, a poll released Monday found. Nearly 75% of Americans and 68% of Canadians indicated they “support” or “somewhat support” the project, which would carry heavy crude from the Alberta oil sands to the U.S. Gulf Coast for refining, according to the poll conducted by Ottawa-based Nanos Research.” (Paul Vieira, “Survey Finds Majority Backs Keystone Pipeline,” The Wall Street Journal, 4/22/13)

Tim Walz Voted For The Keystone Pipeline. (HR 1938, Vote #650, 279-147-1, 7/26/11)