#ObamaFactCheck: How ObamaCare Hurts Women

May 10, 2013

President Obama is still trying to make the sale that ObamaCare will somehow help women. Though as we’ve seen with the president before, talk is cheap.

This is the same president who promised (along with many other leading Democrats) that ObamaCare would lower premiums. That is demonstrably false.

This is the same president who promised that ObamaCare would let you keep your insurance if you like it. That is demonstrably false. (Unless, of course, you’re a member of Congress. Democrats have reportedly been trying to exempt themselves from it.)

Now, with the law’s popularity at record lows, President Obama is desperate to find anything to tout. Today, he’s talking about how the law will supposedly help women. But the truth is that ObamaCare is a disaster for women.

We spoke yesterday about the U.S. Preventative Services Task Force—a band of unelected bureaucrats charged through ObamaCare with determining what your insurance will cover.

The task force has already restricted routine mammogram access for women as well as screenings for cervical and ovarian cancers. Medicare cuts will also hurt women and reduce their ability to find primary-care physicians and receive proper preventative care.

A woman’s well-being shouldn’t be determined by bureaucrats sitting around a conference room table weighing a balance sheet.

President Obama can keep trying to spin his disastrous law, but women across the country know what a “train wreck” is really is.