NRCC Launches Mobile Billboard Campaign Against John Barrow

May 28, 2013

FYI, a similar version of this release was sent to the following Districts: Ann Kirkpatrick (AZ-01), Ron Barber (AZ-02), and Collin Peterson (MN-07).

Barrow’s Continued Support of ObamaCare Highlighted In Local Campaign

 The National Republican Congressional Committee launched a mobile billboard campaign in John Barrow’s Georgia district today to highlight the Congressman’s continued support of ObamaCare and the law’s bureaucratic takeover by the IRS. The billboard, which will circle Barrow’s district reads: “Congressman Barrow’s Plan: Put the IRS in charge of your healthcare. Fed up? Call John Barrow at 706-722-4494.”

“It’s time that John Barrow is held accountable for his support of ObamaCare, especially now that the scandal-ridden IRS has been put in charge of enforcing the program,” said NRCC Communications Director Andrea Bozek. “In light of the IRS scandal, John Barrow owes his constituents an explanation as to why he supports having the IRS involved in our healthcare system.”

Photo of the mobile billboard today in Augusta:

barrow billboard

A copy of the billboard can be seen below:

barrow 2

Former IRS Official discussed ObamaCare’s implementation during White House visits in 2010-11. (“IRS Official: I discussed Obamacare during White House visits.” Charlie Spiering, The Washington Examiner. 5/22/13)

The IRS has 8 offices that will be working to oversee and enforce ObamaCare. (“Giant Octopus: IRS has 8 offices to enforce Obamacare.” Paul Beddard, The Washington Examiner. 5/21/13)

John Barrow Voted to Keep ObamaCare in Place. (H.R. 45, Roll Call Vote #154, 229-195, 5/16/13)

Since 2010, the IRS has been specifically targeting conservative individuals and organizations. (“Inspector general says ineffective management at IRS allowed agents to target tea party groups.” AP, 5/14/13)

The IRS will have a “dominant” role in ObamaCare, and will be enforcing most of the policies included in the health care law. (“When It Comes to Health-Care Reform, the IRS Rules.” Mark Koba, CNBC, 5/6/13)

John Barrow for Congress