Polling Memo: Is ObamaCare Forcing Democrats on Defense?
Living Under ObamaCare: From Blue to Red, Most don’t want to…
It has now been 1,168 days since the President’s Affordable Care Act known as ObamaCare became law. Back then, a majority opposed the law. Today, little has changed as 54% still oppose ObamaCare. This includes 52% of women, 56% of men, 65% of seniors, 60% of Independents and 50% of moderates. In fact, this is the worst rating for the President’s healthcare law since November 2011. Ouch.
It should come as no surprise then, scarred by the healthcare induced wave of 2010, House Democrats are feeling a little uneasy about the possibility of another ObamaCare war in 2014, and rightfully so.
In IL-10, a D+8, 57% say the implementation of ObamaCare should be stopped or delayed. Likewise, in UT-4, an R+14, another 72% want implementation stopped or delayed. The problem? Both Congressman Brad Schneider of Illinois and Congressman Jim Matheson of Utah voted to keep ObamaCare.
If Democrats are to take back the house in 2014, they’re going to have to do so being on the offensive and winning in some red states. With ObamaCare looming in the background, it looks a lot more like defense for House Democrats.
DATE: Conducted 5/17-18/2013
SAMPLE: Sampled 923 Adults; MoE ±3.0%
SOURCE: http://i2.cdn.turner.com/cnn/2013/images/05/28/healthcarepoll.pdf
Additional Numbers: http://www.politico.com/story/2013/06/dems-2014-strategy-own-obamacare-92172_Page2.html
Is ObamaCare forcing Democrats on Defense? Numbers say yes.nrcc.org/2013/06/05/pol… #tcot #gop
— Topline Translator (@ToplineReport) June 5, 2013