Cincy Dems To D.C. Counterparts: Stop Blaming Us For IRS Scandal

June 12, 2013

It looks like the IRS scandal is starting a split in the Democratic Party.

After Democrats in Washington spent weeks blaming this scandal on “rogue agents in Cincinnati,” Dems from the city have had enough and are fighting back against members of their own party.

Former Congressman Tom Luken and Dusty Rhodes, Hamilton County Auditor, have an op-ed in Cincinnati Enquirer this morning, calling out their fellow Democrats.


“We are fed up with this constant refrain, which has been picked up by the media blaming the scandal on local IRS workers. We believe the problem originated in Washington. The Enquirer “fact-checked” remarks at Cincinnati’s national Town Hall meeting on the subject. When will you “fact check” the White House?”


Luken and Rhodes also reference Congressman Charlie Rangel’s line about a “cancer in Cincinnati” and call the treatment of their city “offensive and beyond reason.”

We know that this scandal didn’t originate in Washington. In an attempt to squash this story, Democrats tried to pin it on random folks in Cincinnati. Now, they’re speaking out.

Work with the NRCC to ensure that we hold the IRS and Democrats accountable.