FL Democrat Rep. Garcia’s Political Corruption Goes Way Back

June 13, 2013

Wanted to make sure you saw the latest article on Congressman Joe Garcia in the Miami Herald. Looks like Garcia’s troubles are getting worse MHand his shady past is coming back to haunt him.

From the Miami Herald: “After meeting with state investigators for two hours and taking repeated calls from reporters, Garcia said he’s willing to explain what he knows and what he doesn’t know about his campaign in 2012 or in 2010, when Arrojo and he ran against Rivera.”

Well you have everyone’s attention Congressman Garcia… When and where would you like to discuss this?

The saga of Congressman Joe Garcia’s life of political corruption is like a bad episode of The Real Housewives of Miami – it’s a train wreck, but we can’t stop watching. Unfortunately, the Florida families Garcia represents can’t just turn off the TV. Congressman Garcia owes the people he represents answers to these very troubling revelations.

In case you missed it…

Mailer links mystery candidate to Rep. Joe Garcia camp
Miami Herald
By Marc Caputo & Patricia Mazzei

The FEC case file indicates that the agency never made much of an investigation into Arrojo’s finances, or how he could afford the $10,440 qualifying fee or the mailers. If he paid the qualifying fee with his own money, the self-contribution might not have to be reported, but the expense should have been.

The qualifying fee aside, in order for Arrojo to have spent less than $5,000 on the mailers, he would have printed fewer than 10,000 of them — about half of a typical mailer.

But there was likely yet another expense: A campaign manager, mail vendor or some other type of middleman.

Image Plus’s president, Warren, said he never met Arrojo and that the print shop, like others, works almost exclusively with campaign managers or mail vendors who represent multiple clients.

While Warren said he couldn’t remember who came into his shop on Arrojo’s behalf, he recalled the work was already designed and was submitted to Image Plus on a compact disc.

After checking his files, Warren said he couldn’t readily find a distinct account for Arrojo. Warren, though, acknowledged he wouldn’t disclose private information about the company’s clients.

Warren, whose print shop is under no suspicion for any crimes, said he’d happily talk to the FBI if the agency begins investigating the case. The FBI refused comment.

Though Arrojo’s FEC complaint has been closed, the FBI could still investigate whether he illegally took money or whether he lied to the FEC — a federal offense.

Meantime, Sternad is scheduled to be sentenced Monday June 24 in federal court.

The unrelated state investigation into Joe Garcia’s campaign continues.

Garcia knows he faces a tough campaign ahead in 2014, especially now that he had to fire his top political advisor. The congressman points out that none of the fraudulently requested absentee ballots were ever fraudulently filled out or voted.

After meeting with state investigators for two hours and taking repeated calls from reporters, Garcia said he’s willing to explain what he knows and what he doesn’t know about his campaign in 2012 or in 2010, when Arrojo and he ran against Rivera.

“I didn’t know Arrojo then and I don’t know him now,” Garcia said. “In 2010, things were coming fast and furious, and I didn’t focus much on him, anyway.”