ObamaCare May Be Too Expensive For Low-Wage Workers
The Associated Press is reporting that ObamaCare may turn out to be too expensive to cover workers who make lower wages.
“It’s called the Affordable Care Act, but President Barack Obama’s health care law may turn out to be unaffordable for many low-wage workers, including employees at big chain restaurants, retail stores and hotels.
‘That might seem strange since the law requires medium-sized and large employers to offer “affordable” coverage or face fines.
‘But what’s reasonable? Because of a wrinkle in the law, companies can meet their legal obligations by offering policies that would be too expensive for many low-wage workers. For the employee, it’s like a mirage — attractive but out of reach.”
According to AP, employers with 50 or more workers are required to offer insurance that costs no more than 9.5 percent of the employee’s income. That rule could be counter-productive for workers who don’t earn as much.
It’s gotten to a point where you can set a very slow clock to bad news on ObamaCare. Every day news trickles out showing just how disastrous this law is.
Stand with the NRCC. We need to repeal this law because it’s hurting workers and small businesses.