President Obama Last Night: It Would Be “A Lot Easier If I Had A Democratic House”

June 13, 2013

President Obama is feeling nostalgic.

It’s seems that more and more he’s remembering the days of complete Democratic control over Washington as “the good old days.” Those times when he could walk into a meeting of congressional leaders and only listen to Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi. Or those times where his mere whim could become a legislative agenda.

Since 2010, when Republicans took back the House, he’s been stymied—preferring to engage in campaign stunts across the country instead of working with Republicans.

Fed up with working with members of the other party and yearning for the days when getting votes for a bill was a mere call to “Nancy” or “Harry” away, President Obama has made taking back the House of Representatives his number one goal in 2014.

In fact, he’s committed to an unprecedented level of engagement this cycle. That means raising money, campaigning, or recruiting candidates.

Just last night at a million-dollar fundraiser in Miami, the President pined for a Democratic House saying it would be “a lot easier if I had a Democratic House.”



And he’s right: it sure would be easier…

…easier to block the Keystone pipeline.

…easier to raise taxes on middle-class families.

…easier to rack up trillions more in debt.

…and easier to cement his liberal legacy through Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

We can’t let this happen. There’s simply too much at stake.

Stand with us at the NRCC and fight back against President Obama, Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats would want to take our country backwards.