47 Percent Believe White House Involved With IRS Scandal

June 18, 2013

A new CNN poll out this morning shows that 47 percent of respondents believe the White House was directly involved with the IRS scandal—up from 37 percent just last month. To make things even worse, a majority of Americans still believe the scandal is “very important” to the nation.

These polls are just more bad news for a White House that is quickly losing credibility with the public.

The numerous scandals weighing on Obama has his presidency stuck in neutral.

Yesterday, a separate CNN poll showed just 49 percent of those polled view President Obama as honest and trustworthy.  While his overall approval rating has also seen a sharp dip since May. It is down 8 points and now stands at 45 percent.

These latest polls show that the American public is getting more suspicious of the administration as we learn more about a government agency targeting groups for their political beliefs.

It’s critical that a strong Republican majority in the House maintain the oversight that this administration so desperately needs.