Tick Tock…Time For ObamaCare’s Health Exchange System Is Running Out

June 19, 2013

According to an article from The Wall Street Journal today, there is yet another impeding disaster coming for millions of Americans thanks to ObamaCare. Ahead of its full implementation in January 2014, the ACA created two separate health exchanges for millions of Americans to participate in.


The small business exchange and the individual exchange were created to help insure individuals who are uninsured or underinsured through work or through their own, individual plans.

Except, unfortunately much like the rest of the ACA, there seem to be more than a few “bumps and glitches” from these exchanges heading our way – with no particular signs of relief on the way.  


According to the Government Accountability Office, there is still major work to be done in order to ensure that each state has exchanges available by the January deadline.

The exchanges, which are supposed to be ready by October of this year, are projected to help insure over 9 million people according to the Congressional Budget Office.

Take Washington State, for example. Health officials have had to postpone the exchanges completely, due to the fact that a number of carriers have refused to offer small business plans statewide. And in New Hampshire, small business owners are struggling to find individual plans for their employees that are supported by the exchange.

Says small-business owner Nancy Clark, whose firm offers full benefits to its workers, “I was hoping more [insurance] providers would step up to the table. I had these rose-colored glasses on, thinking that doctors in our area would then accept more insurance plans, truly giving everyone a choice.”

Do you have a story about how ObamaCare is affecting you? Share it with us here. This is just another sign of the disastrous law’s unorganized and poorly designed health care system. Less providers, more expensive coverage, and higher taxes – seems to be everything but affordable.