FL Democrat Sees the Red Flag that is ObamaCare and Flip Flops on Stance

July 8, 2013

Did you see the latest hypocritical move to gain political points from Congressman Patrick Murphy?tumblr_lsfynqbm0S1r20bovo1_500

After news hit last week that the Obama Administration would delay the employer mandate in the health care law to 2015, Patrick Murphy did a 180 and reversed his prior support of ObamaCare.

From the Palm Beach Post:

“In a statement released this morning, Murphy seems to echo Republican criticism of Obamacare as a drag on business.

‘Our businesses are leading the way in economic growth and job creation as we continue to struggle to climb out of the recession. Just when the recovery is starting to take hold does not mean that we should be adding new uncertainty, taxes, or costly mandates to sectors of our economy that can least afford it,’ Murphy’s statement says.”

Remember, when Patrick Murphy had the chance to stand up for Florida families and do away with this burdensome law, Murphy sided with Nancy Pelosi and voted no. Now, when it is politically convenient, Murphy is pretending to be against the law when in reality he voted to keep it on the books.

Let’s hope Congressman Patrick Murphy brought his flip flops back from the beach because he is already flip flopping on his own liberal voting record in Washington. Florida families deserve a trustworthy voice in Congress, but Patrick Murphy would rather vote with Nancy Pelosi all while using political games and spin to try and deceive voters.