Democrat Julia Brownley Criticizes Her Own Voting Record
On Saturday, Julia Brownley submitted and Op-Ed to the Ventura County Star where she blamed partisan politicking for not funding infrastructure repair and maintenance:
“However, in recent years a deeply dysfunctional Congress failed to provide sufficient funding to the Army Corps of Engineers to repair and maintain critical infrastructure. This lack of funding produced a massive backlog in maintenance needs at our nation’s ports and harbors – including Channel Islands Harbor.”
But it seems Julia Brownley has forgotten her vote from less than two weeks ago!
On July 10th, Brownley voted against an appropriations bill that would have provided funding for the Army Corps of Engineers. Additionally, the measure provides $2.7 billion for operation and maintenance of federal water projects, 11% more than comparable FY 2013 funding and 4% more than requested.
“The next time Julia Brownley speaks out against a ‘dysfunctional Congress,’ she should remember she’s part of the problem, not the solution.” – Alleigh Marré, NRCC Spokeswoman