Where is Ann Callis? IL Dem Candidate Is MIA on Campaign Trail

August 21, 2013

Has anyone seen Ann Callis lately? We think she is still running for Congress but no one has seen her. Maybe this is part of her campaign strategy….

Or maybe the Washington Democrats are telling her to just lay low for now so she won’t have any more gaffes like the one she had during her announcement interview.

While Democrats are hoping they can just buy her this election, Illinois families and numerous primary opponents are wondering – Where in the world is Ann Callis? And does she have any reason to run for Congress other than because Nancy Pelosi asked her to?

David Green, the 3rd Democrat to enter the 13th District race hit the nail on the head while chatting with the News Gazette:

“With Ann Callis, I think that what you see is what you get. She’s a Democratic Party functionary and she’s been anointed by the leadership to be the one to tip this district into the Democratic Party column without making any waves,’ he said.”

With Ann Callis’ record of being the head judge of one of the worst judicial hellholes in the country, it’s no wonder Nancy Pelosi and Washington Democrats want her to stay hidden. Callis and her Washington cronies may think they can buy this election but Illinois families deserve answers and this hide and seek game she is playing won’t fly in Illinois.