If You’re 25-34 Years Old, You Might Be Living With Your Parents (Thanks To Obama’s Economy)
A new Census Bureau report released Tuesday confirmed what we already know – young Americans continue to be the hardest hit in Obama’s economy.
According to the report, 13.6% of Americans ages 25 to 34 lived at home in 2012, an increase from 2011. As Obama’s economy continues to sputter along, lost jobs and low wages continue to push the American Dream further out of reach for America’s young adults.
The President and Democrats in Congress owe it to the American people to enact pro-growth policies that will create jobs and economic opportunity, and leave the Big Government liberal agenda that voters have long-since abandoned.
From the Wall Street Journal:
“In a report on the status of families, the Census Bureau on Tuesday said 13.6% of Americans ages 25 to 34 were living with their parents in 2012, up slightly from 13.4% in 2011. Though the trend began before the recession, it accelerated sharply during the downturn. In the early 2000s, about 10% of people in this age group lived at home.
“The figures are the latest evidence of the recession’s continuing impact on young Americans, who are finding it harder to land jobs and take on the costs of setting up their own homes…
“Demographers say joblessness during the recession and in its aftermath has fueled the trend of young adults living at home. The percentage of 25-to-34-year-olds living with parents climbed from 10.6% early in the 2000s to 11.8% in 2007, when the recession officially began. But after that the figure jumped sharply.”