John Tierney’s other big problems – Obamacare and Massive Tax Hikes

September 3, 2013

Pelosi Tierney

As the 2014 Congressional election gets closer, John Tierney’s problems continue to mount. Obviously Tierney will continue to face questions about his failure to disclose almost $250K in proceeds he and his wife received from his brother-in-law’s illegal international gambling ring.

But now Tierney is going to have to start asking questions about his hyper-partisan record and his extreme, anti-middle class policies.

For example, while Tierney continually supports Obamacare, even voting against bipartisan bills to delay the employer and individual mandates, Massachusetts companies consider cutting healthcare benefits and reducing employee hours to lessen the burden of the Obamacare train wreck. Maybe this is why, in a recent poll, twice as many likely voters in MA-06 believed that Obamacare will reduce the quality of their healthcare than those who believed it would improve it.

But Tierney’s stubborn refusal to break from his extremist dogma should not come as a surprise. After all, Tierney was part of a small minority of extremists who voted for a budget this spring that would grant the government even more power over our healthcare than Obamacare and would raise tax rates on Massachusetts businesses as high as 49%.

NRCC Comment: “John Tierney isn’t just an unethical Congressman, he is also an extreme partisan whose policies and causes are far to the left of even mainstream Democrats. Whether he is voting for immediate implementation of Obamacare despite its harm to the Massachusetts economy, or advocating for 49% tax rates on Massachusetts businesses, Tierney is proving himself to be no friend to the middle class.” – NRCC Spokesman Ian Prior