Mary Rose from Indiana Has Watched Her Coverage Costs Skyrocket

September 9, 2013

“I’m a 30-yr-old healthy, non-smoking female. In the last 3 years, my health care coverage  has gone from $76/month to $102/month…for the exact same coverage.

And now, my exact same plan will be raised by 20% this month to $120. $240 MORE per year for absolutely no change in my plan. Obamacare has destroyed my cost-effective emergency health insurance: I am doubtful whether I can continue to cover myself, and I don’t know how my husband and I will be able to afford having children. It is a lie to say that health care will be free for everyone, and it is a lie to say that everyone will be paying their fair share. I have been paying part of someone else’s fair share for the past three years of rate hikes.”

– Mary Rose N.