It’s Serious This Time: President Obama Will Try Yet Again To Sell America On ObamaCare
Well, I feel better already.
Seriously, once and for all, President Obama will sell the American people on his government takeover of healthcare…
…yeah right.
President Obama will take the stage today in what Politico’s Jonathan Allen calls “a final pitch.”
Allen quotes a White House aide who claims the president will attempt to “cut through all the noise coming out of Washington” in advance of ObamaCare’s exchanges coming online next week.
If this were 2009, I may be more worried. But remember, it’s been over 3 years since the law passed and it hasn’t exactly been out of the headlines since. In that time, President Obama has tried over, and over, and over again to sell it to the American people. It simply has not worked.
In fact, polls show that the law is as unpopular as it’s ever been. A recent Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll shows 44 percent of the country thinks it’s a bad idea, while 45 percent thinks it’ll have a negative impact on the economy.
And they’re right. It’s raising premiums, cutting hours, and hurting the economy as a whole. It shouldn’t be a surprise to anyone that a majority of the public doesn’t like it.
So while President Obama tries, yet again, to sell this disastrous law to the American people, Republicans in the House will continue to do everything they can to save them from this “train wreck.”