Renee From Esko, Minnesota Is Seeing First-Hand the Increase in Costs Thanks to ObamaCare
“I work for UnitedHealthcare. We are currently experiencing Open Enrollment company-wide. Our premiums have gone up only slightly, with slightly higher deductibles. I am writing to state that I am firmly against the mandated “Affordable Care Act Transition Reinsurance Fee”, payable to the Department of Health and Human Services.
This is an EXTRA $245.18 for family coverage, which I carry. Individual coverage will pay $59.80, Employee/Spouse will pay $119.60 and Employee/Children will pay $162.24. As one of the top employers in our country, UnitedHealthcare will pay a large amount towards funding Obamacare. I feel this is wrong to impose this fee on Americans, who are struggling already.”
-Renee F.