11 People Who Told Valerie Jarrett She Was Wrong
Earlier this week, Obama confidante, ObamaCare supporter, and White House advisor Valerie Jarrett tweeted that the President’s health care law is not to blame for the hundreds of thousands of insurance cancellation notices that have been sweeping across the country. Jarrett was wrong. ObamaCare is to blame.
Don’t take our word for it. Check out these 11 citizens who tweeted at Jarrett to remind her just how wrong she was.
@vj44 But you drafted the rules so few individual plans can be grandfathered, so #Obamacare does force us out of our plans (incl. me).
— Keith Hennessey (@KeithHennessey) October 29, 2013
@Choicelady320 @_jennfer_ @vj44 Of course they have to dump you if the plans don’t conform to the minimums.
— FallbrookDeb (@dmings) October 29, 2013
@vj44 so the insurance companies are lying when they send out those cancellation letters?
— mattashburn (@mattashburn) October 29, 2013
What an utter lack of accountability looks like –> @vj44 — Amy Otto (@CAAmyO) October 29, 2013
FACT: the lies @vj44 and @barackobama have been telling are coming back on them. People know the truth. — J Kallenberger (@JKallenberger1) October 29, 2013
@Choicelady320 @_jennfer_ @vj44 Companies are forced to drop plans that don’t meet the new mandate. Obamacare prohibits them from renewing
— REG (@RightEyeGuy) October 29, 2013
@vj44 REALITY: All Ins companies and employers will adjust plan offerings (aka, “your Plan”) post-ACA. — Pfeifer (@fbonacci) October 29, 2013
@formula462 That is a lie, if the ins. doesn’t meet Obamacare req. they have to cancel you. @yesnicksearcy @vj44
— HackersCantHide (@HackersCantHide) October 29, 2013
@vj44 that’s not true. If your health plan is not ACA-compliant, you lose it. — KJack (@DrKC4) October 29, 2013
@vj44 That’s a BOLD FACED LIE! My insurance is now ILLEGAL because of Obamacare – not ENOUGH coverage. I already pay $10,200/yr for 2 people — JillZarinAdvices TM (@wwjzd1) October 29, 2013
@vj44 Then explain why people r getting dropped all over US from their insurance plan ? #BackItUp
— Beth Reynolds (@BethReynoldsGSD) October 29, 2013