NRCC Launches Attack Microsites Against New Hampshire Congresswomen Annie Kuster and Carol Shea-Porter

November 6, 2013

Kuster and Shea-Porter Have Done Nothing But Advance President Obama’s Liberal Agenda

Today, the National Republican Congressional Committee launched attack microsites against both of New Hampshire’s Congresswomen – Rep. Annie Kuster and Rep. Carol Shea-Porter.

The sites, which will be accessible through online search engines, will direct New Hampshire voters to read the truth about their Representatives without their deceptive spin and rhetoric. Both Kuster and Shea-Porter regularly put Washington D.C. politics before their constituents in the Granite State by supporting the job-crushing, expensive policies of ObamaCare, voting against a bipartisan plan to stop student loan rates from rising, and asking middle class families to play by one set of rules while Kuster and Shea-Porter play by another.

As shown through their wildly out-of-touch voting records over the past 11 months, both Kuster and Shea-Porter have done nothing but work AGAINST New Hampshire families and FOR Nancy Pelosi’s out of touch, liberal agenda.

“Carol Shea-Porter and Annie Kuster have shown that they are far more interested in standing up for the status quo in Washington D.C. than they are in fighting on behalf of middle class New Hampshire families,” said NRCC Spokesman Ian Prior. “Granite Staters want their representatives to be independent voices working on their behalf, and in order to get that they are going to have to send Shea-Porter and Kuster packing in 2014.”

The website URLs are as follows:

You can view the websites here:



shea porter

Annie Kuster for Congress