Linda from San Clemente California Watched Her Insurance Costs Increase 30%
“My husband and I are both self employed. We reside in California. We have a nine year old daughter. We are all healthy and do not have any pre-existing issues, nor do we take medications.
Our healthcare rates have gone through the roof in the last 12-14 months. We had Anthem Blue Cross and first received a 13% increase and then a 30% increase – all within 12 months. The letter from Blue Cross stated that the increases were due to regulations made to them by the Healthcare Reform. Please note that my premiums have gone up an average of 2-3.5% per year in the last 15 years, but never 30% in one year!
About six months ago, we switched to a catastrophic insurance plan through Aetna, since we can no longer afford $1000+ a month for a decent plan. Last week I received a letter from Aetna stating that they will no longer offer individual plans in California! Their letter states that part of their decision was based on the new regulations that Obamacare puts on them which makes it difficult for them to provide affordable plans in California!”
– Linda K.