Kyrsten Sinema Finally Admits Spreading “If You Like It, You Can Keep It” Lie

November 15, 2013

Kyrsten Sinema just released a statement on her vote today and said this…

“We promised that individuals who like their plans would be able to keep them and this bill keeps that promise.”

That’s different than what she said just yesterday…

“Arizonans were told that if they like their plans, they would be able to keep them.”

It seems like she has finally taken responsibility for spreading this falsehood. She can try to subtly rewrite history and hope you don’t notice, but she sold Arizonans a bill of goods and it’s time she took responsibility.


NRCC COMMENT: “Now that Kyrsten Sinema has finally admitted that she spread the same lie that President Obama did, maybe she’ll join him in apologizing to all those she deceived.” – Matt Gorman, NRCC Spokesman


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