A Chief Architect of ObamaCare Lied About the Law Twice in 88 Seconds
Obama architect Dr. Zeke Emanuel went on Fox News Sunday yesterday to try and desperately spin the President’s failing health care law.
First, he tried to assert that President Obama had never promised Americans that they could keep their doctor under his health care law. Then, Emanuel cranked the spin machine into full gear, arguing that you can still keep your doctor if you want to pay a lot more for it.
Then, he actually said that “no one guaranteed you that your premium wouldn’t increase.”
Unfortunately for Dr. Emanuel, such blatant spin does little to relieve angry Americans, and instead only reminds Americans that the White House’s version of leadership is sinking with incompetence.
From TownHall:
Within an 88-second clip, another lie unravels, buttressed by an additional lie. The law’s defenders have once again resorted to the tortured parsing of an unambiguous promise. When Obama and Democrats said, “you can keep your plan and your doctor — period,” the message was crystal clear. Americans were told that if they were satisfied with their existing healthcare arrangement, the new law would not affect them. This was intentional. Polls showed deep public skepticism over the proposed overhaul in 2009 and 2010, so Democrats had a strong incentive to tell as many people as possible that they would suffer zero effects under the new regime. This goes back to the fundamental Obamacare lie — that the law was bereft of trade-offs and losers. The way things were presented for public consumption, the “Affordable” Care Act was a legislative panacea that would improve everyone’s lot. Now that these distortions are being laid bare by reality, people like Zeke Emanuel are spinning their wheels, trying to explain to irate citizens why Team O never technically promised what everyone remembers them promising. How would people have reacted if the sales pitch had been, “if you like your doctor, you might be able to keep her, if you’re willing to fork over a lot more money?” I’d guess the same way people are taking to preposterous spin from Congressional Democrats over other shattered pledges. And don’t overlook Emanuel’s revisionism about “no one” ever guaranteeing lower premiums. Sure. Lower premiums was merely a central selling point of Obamacare. Candidate Obama talked endlessly about the average family saving $2,500 per year in premiums.