8 Stories That You’re Going To Want To Talk About This Weekend

January 17, 2014

It’s finally Friday! Going to a party this weekend? Visiting family? Dinner with friends? Check out these 8 stories that you’re going to want to bring up when the conversation turns to politics.

1. A Panel of Cyber Security Experts Just Rang the Alarm Bell on ObamaCare. The White House Isn’t Paying Any Attention


Since the launch of HealthCare.gov, security experts from across the spectrum have warned that the ObamaCare site is weakly defended against hackers and other cyber security leaks that might jeopardize users personal information.

Even after all of the warnings and alerts from experts, though, the White House and the Department of Health and Human Services have still refused to adequately address those concerns, despite having had nearly four months to fix them.

2. A Kaiser Report Said 25% Youth ObamaCare Enrollment Was The Worst-Case Scenario. The Real Number is Even Worse

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The White House released numbers late yesterday on the percentage of ObamaCare enrollees so far who are between the ages of 18 and 35, a key demographic group that the White House has repeatedly emphasized is crucial to the law’s success.

A December report from the Kaiser Family Foundation identified a “worst-case scenario” in which just 25% of ObamaCare enrollees were under 35 years old. The actual numbers, though, are even worse.

According to the White House, just 24% of ObamaCare’s enrollees so far have been under 25 years old, a full percentage point lower than the worst-case scenario.

3. Nancy Pelosi’s Super PAC Is Calling the ObamaCare Website ‘Disastrous’ In This New Arizona Ad


The liberal ouse Majority PAC released a new TV ad yesterday defending vulnerable Democrat Rep. Ann Kirkpatrick (AZ-01). The Democrats tell us all the time how ObamaCare will be an asset in 2014 and that they plan to run on it, so we were a little surprised to see that their new TV ad actually bashes ObamaCare in an attempt to save Kirkpatrick! (Check out these 10 tweets that perfectly illustrate just how damaging the ad was).

4. This HHS Official Was Asked When the ObamaCare Payment System Will Be Ready. His Answer Will Shock You

A member of Congress asked an ObamaCare official when the exchange payment system will be ready. He said he didn’t know. Another check mark for incompetence in ObamaCare.

5. A New Senate Report Confirms That The Benghazi Attack Was “Preventable,” Attackers Tied To Al-Qaeda


A new report from the Senate Intelligence Committee is shedding new light on the attack on our diplomatic compound in Benghazi that left four Americans–including Ambassador Chris Stevens–dead.

The report confirmed that there was no protest in Benghazi before the attacks, contrary to many Democrats (including the White House) who claimed the protests sprung out of a video. The blame for the attack, according to the committee, lies at the feet of several individuals with ties to al-Qaeda-linked groups.

 6. Jimmy Kimmel’s Ideas On How To Get Young People To Sign Up For ObamaCare Are Actually Hilarious

Jimmy Kimmel, the host of Jimmy Kimmel Live!, took ObamaCare to task last night over recent reports that the percentage of young Americans enrolling in the law is disastrously low. Only 24% of ObamaCare enrollees are under 35 years old, a worst-case scenario for the White House.

“They expect young people to buy insurance the same time the Playstation 4 comes out?” Kimmel asked to laughter. “Maybe you shouldn’t have made the law so you can stay on your parents plan until you turn 26. What kid is going to say no thanks mom and dad, I got the premiums covered?”

7. Third Democrat In Three Days Bails Out Ahead Of 2014 Elections

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Three House Democrats – Jim Moran, George Miller, and Bill Owens – announced their retirements this week. ObamaCare is on the horizon, and Democrats are choosing to head for the exits instead of facing the voters in 2014.

8. The White House Was Two Months Late On The Spanish Version of HealthCare.gov, And They Still Did It Wrong

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The Spanish-language version of HealthCare.gov, CuidadoDeSalud.gov, was launched more than two months behind schedule. As if that wasn’t bad enough, the White House couldn’t even use all that extra time wisely. The site was riddled with errors, inconsistencies and bad translations.

According to the Associated Press, the translations on the Spanish-site were so full of mistakes that it appears they were made by a computer. One ObamaCare navigator even admitted that the website is written in “Spanglish.” Another error? A key page containing instructions in Spanish guides users to an English form.