Democrats Will Downplay This ObamaCare Report on Lost Jobs. But They Can’t Spin This One Number

January 17, 2014

There’s no denying it: ObamaCare is a job-killer.  A new report confirms what Republicans have been saying all along.  The study by Grand Valley State University reveals at least 1,000 jobs were lost in western Michigan as a result of the President’s health care law.  According to the study’s findings, almost one third of companies have cut employee hours, while others have downgraded workers to part-time status, or have held off on hiring completely to skirt the employer mandate.

“The predominant way that firms in western Michigan are containing health care costs [are] by offering more high-deductible plans [and] changing their prescription coverage,” said Professor Leslie Muller, one of the conductors of the study. Nearly half of companies have increased the amount their employees pay for coverage.

Even only a few months in to the Affordable Care Act, the disastrous effects of Obamacare are being felt nationwide. How much more proof do House Democrats need to finally admit that President Obama’s fundamentally flawed health care law is a threat to economic recovery? This must be why they are dropping like flies. If getting people back to work is their priority, House Democrats have a lot of explaining to do.

From Washington Free Beacon:

There are at least 1,000 fewer jobs in western Michigan because of Obamacare regulations according to a new study, WOOD-MI reports.

“We’re talking about 1,000 jobs in west Michigan that would have been here absent the ACA,” said Grand Valley State University Professor Leslie Muller, who helped conduct the study.

That number doesn’t reflect the number of people who have lost hours because of the law, with 29 percent of companies saying they have limited employee’s working times, often to less than 30 hours to sidestep the employer mandate for full-time workers.

“Firms are actually holding off on hiring or they’re reducing their hiring that they were thinking they were going to be doing,” Muller said.