#SOTU Factcheck: President Obama’s Words on Energy Sound Nice, But They Don’t Match His Record

January 28, 2014

President Obama’s applause-earning words on energy policy unfortunately don’t match the pernicious effect his White House has had on America’s energy independence.

At every turn, President Obama and House Democrats have fought against the Keystone Pipeline, choosing to pander to their far left-wing base at the expense of the economic benefits for hard-working American families.

Polls show that the vast majority of Americans – Republicans, Democrats, and Independents alike – all support moving ahead with the Keystone Pipeline.

More than 150 business leaders from across the United States recently encouraged the President to approve the project to send a “powerful signal” about his “commitment to getting Americans back to work.”

Even one of President Obama’s own former advisors recently recommended that the White House stop delaying the project!

Instead, the White House has resorted to unnecessary delays and phony arguments to stall any decision on the project.

The Washington Post recently gave President Obama two Pinocchios for his bogus claim that the project would only create 2,000 jobs, when even his own State Department has estimated that the Pipeline would support at least 42,1000 jobs, and more than $2 billion in workers earnings!

Mr. President, enough is enough. Americans are hungry for leadership, and you aren’t giving it to them. Instead of dragging your feet and jeopardizing tens of thousands of jobs and billions in middle class wages, it’s time to approve the Keystone Pipeline and put America’s energy security back on track.
