After Signing Up, ObamaCare Enrollees Decide They Don’t Actually Want To Pay For ObamaCare
One in five people who have signed up for President Obama’s health care law have yet to pay up.
This percentage of people, anywhere between 12% and 30% according to insurers polled by CNNMoney, have yet to pay their first month’s premium and will subsequently have their policy cancelled, leaving them uninsured.
In order to officially active enrollment, consumers are required to pay that first month’s premium within a certain number of weeks of signing up.
CoOportunity Health, an insurance agency serving patients in Iowa and Nebraska, will begin to send termination letters to enrollees who have failed to comply with payment. Cliff Gold, CoOportunity’s chief operating officer told CNNMoney of his company’s low projections, “We figure either those people had a change of heart or thought it was too expensive. Or maybe some people decided to keep what they had.”
It’s clear ObamaCare enrollees are waking up and realizing what a terrible value ObamaCare is. All the confusion surrounding the law’s regulations and ever-changing deadlines isn’t helping the case, either.
From CNNMoney:
Just cause they’ve signed up for ObamaCare doesn’t mean they’re covered.
Around one in five people who picked health insurance policies on the state and federal exchanges last year haven’t paid their first month’s premiums, according to insurers polled by CNNMoney. These folks will likely see their policy selection canceled and they’ll be left uninsured.
Some 2.1 million people signed up for a plan in time for their coverage to start January 1, according to the Obama administration. But with the payment deadlines stretching until January 31 at the latest, anywhere between 12% and 30% of those folks still haven’t paid up, insurers say.
Most consumers were given until the middle or the end of January to pay their first premium, a necessary step to actually activating enrollment. Exchange officials and insurers repeatedly stressed the importance of sending in that first payment, with some following up with the slackers by phone or letter.