Nick Rahall No Longer Able to Hide Anti-Coal Record

February 4, 2014


For those closely following the Congressional race in the 3rd District of West Virginia, be sure to  read some of the latest articles focused on Nick Rahall and his questionable voting record. Last week the Pittsburgh Tribune Review highlighted the race as one of the bellwether contests in 2014. Of particular note in the article, entitled W.Va.’s Rahall own worst enemy, is this quote on Rahall’s voting record in Congress:

“His voting record against his state’s economic interests is astounding, beginning with his 2007 support for cap-and-trade and his repeated support of progressive climate policies during the first two years of President Obama’s term, when Democrats still controlled the House.”

For more see-

And just today EE News published an instructive article detailing the actions Nick Rahall has taken during the Obama presidency which he should be prepared to answer for in 2014, namely his support for a carbon tax, cap-and-trade, measures controlling carbon emissions, the renewable portfolio standard, and U.S. EPA regulations and funding.

For more see –

With stories like these, it’s going to be tough for Nick Rahall to get through his primary, never mind the general election.

NRCC Comment: “The Pittsburgh Tribune Review said it best – ‘Nick Rahall is a creature of Washington’ whose ‘voting record against his state’s economic interests is astounding.’ Rahall talks a big game about his support for coal, but his voting record in Congress shows that such talk is cheap, empty, and disingenuous.” – NRCC Spokesman Ian Prior