This Web Video Is Filled Almost Entirely With This Hypocritical Democrat’s Own Words Used Against Him
It isn’t too hard to convince voters why Democrat Sean Eldridge is a hypocritical candidate who isn’t the right fit for New York’s 19th District.
Just take a look at what Eldridge himself said about billionaires “throwing tens of millions of dollars” into congressional races.
Then remember that Eldridge and his husband, Facebook co-founder Chris Hughes, are worth millions of dollars. They aren’t even from the 19th District.
Check out our latest web video:
From the Albany Times-Union:
In a new web ad, the National Republican Campaign Committee is attacking Democratic NY-19 challenger Sean Eldridge as a hypocrite for pouring more than $700,000 of his own money so far into his campaign to unseat Republican U.S. Rep. Chris Gibson.
The 30-second ad relies on mostly on video footage of Eldridge himself condemning the influence of money in politics. Here’s what he said:
“Every single morning, we’re waking up to another story about a new billionaire throwing tens of millions of dollars into another race. And I think we’re all seeing the negative impact that’s having on our democracy. It’s taking away the power from voters and from every day Americans and it’s putting it in the hands of a small group of wealthy people.”