This House Dem Might Tax Your Feet and Your Heat
“If you drive a car, I’ll tax the street,
If you try to sit, I’ll tax your seat.
If you get too cold I’ll tax the heat,
If you take a walk, I’ll tax your feet.”
The lyrics above may be from the Beatles’ 1966 classic Taxman, but it sure sounds like George Harrison was describing John Tierney.
In October, John Tierney refused to join a bipartisan majority voting to repeal the medical device tax. This was the same medical device tax that Elizabeth Warren has repeatedly opposed and voted to repeal on the grounds that it would hurt Massachusetts businesses and innovation. Tierney, on the other hand, has repeatedly supported and voted against repeal.
Well its turns out that the Medical Device tax cost the industry 33,000 jobs in 2013 alone.
But is it really a surprise that Tierney would vote for a job killing tax? After all, this is the same Tierney that voted for a budget that could cost Massachusetts 205,000 jobs and refuses to consider any proposals to fix Obamacare to avoid shrinking the economy by 2.5 million jobs.
NRCC Comment: “If there is any single issue that shows that John Tierney is more concerned with voting with Nancy Pelosi in Washington than he is in representing the 6th District of Massachusetts it is his continued support for the medical device tax. The fact that the Tierney-backed medical device tax has cost the industry 33,000 jobs in 2013 and that Tierney is now supporting a tax that could put an additional 205,000 Massachusetts jobs at risk should cost Tierney his own job in 2014.”– NRCC Spokesman Ian Prior