Did This ObamaCare Non-Profit Just Coordinate With the Democrats To Bury A Scandal About Kathleen Sebelius?
Last year, stories began to surface that HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius was fundraising for non-profit groups that are working to promote ObamaCare. House Republicans asserted that such activities amounted to a conflict of interest, using her authority as the chief regulator of ObamaCare to pressure donors into giving money.
New emails uncovered this week by the Washington Examiner show that one such group, Enroll America, emailed the Democratic National Committee for help when asked by Fox News whether or not Sebelius was fundraising for them.
When the Enroll America aide told the DNC that she had denied any fundraising activities, one DNC staffer responded curtly, “did you say that off the record?”
House Republicans have long suspected that the financial relationship between Secretary Sebelius and groups promoting ObamaCare has been extremely questionable, if not illegal, and these new emails only add more confusion to the fire.
If there is nothing to hide, then why are non-profit groups like Enroll America coordinating with the Democrats and asking for help?
From the Washington Examiner:
On the afternoon of May 8, Bonacini sent an email to other staffers for the nonprofit and Michael Czin, the Democratic National Committee’s national press secretary.
In the email, Bonacini said she had just received a call from Weber at Fox News who said he had a tip that Sebelius has been fundraising “on our behalf.”
“He asked me point blank if this was true,” she wrote. “I told him that someone would get back to him, but to the best of my awareness, there was no truth to it.”
Four minutes later, Czin emailed back with a one-line question: “Did you say that off the record?”
In a separate email Czin sent 10 minutes later, he wrote that Enroll America’s president, Anne Filipic, “got a question about this the other day that I don’t think ever materialized into anything,” adding that “Sebelius is helping with some fundraising.”
A flurry of emails with the subject line “Urgent: Press inquiry from Fox News” followed minutes later between Czin, Filipic, Bonacini, other Enroll America staff and senior HHS aides.