Washington Post Calls Out Democrats For Their Ridiculous And Misleading Spin Following Special Election Loss

March 13, 2014

Yesterday, after the Democrats devastating loss in the Florida special election, the DCCC and DNC spent the day spinning themselves sideways trying to convince anyone who would listen that it was all no big deal.

  • They said it was an R+13 district. (Which is a lie. It’s R+1—not even close)
  • They said it was reliably Republican (Which is isn’t. Alex Sink won it in ’10 and Obama won it in ’08 and ’12)
  • They even tried to say ObamaCare was a winner for them. (Yeah, I laughed too)

Well, this morning The Washington Post’s Glenn Kessler delivered the proverbial cherry on this sad Democrat sundae.

He called them all out for their ridiculous and just plain laughable spin on his “Factchecker” blog—giving them 3 Pinocchios.

Here’s the main takeaway:


“We know everyone has a job to do, but this is taking political spin to a ridiculous level. Yes, Young was a repeat winner, but he was a beloved incumbent. Democrats could write this off as a special election with no real ramifications nationwide, they could blame the failure to win on harsh attacks by outside groups and they could say it was a tough loss. But they cannot credibly say that the other party ‘underperformed’ on its way to victory.”


It wasn’t just Kessler who deflated the liberal spin. Charlie Cook of the Cook Political Report said, “The idea that Republicans underperformed in a district that Obama carried twice is laughable.”

It shows you how hard it was to twist the DCCC’s humiliating loss in Florida on Tuesday. They were willing to do or say anything to find an excuse or silver lining.

You may have lost the chance at a seat in Congress, Democrats. But your awful spin has earned you a consolation prize: 3 Pinocchios.


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