This Delusional Democrat Wants More Money for Obamacare

March 24, 2014


Martha Robertson (NY-23) has a very “interesting” Obamacare strategy. Apparently, she is going around the campaign trail blaming Republicans for problems with because Republicans “refused to put in the kind of money that would help Human Services department needed to be able to run the website.” Check out the video here.

She also claimed we need to see “how far we can take Obamacare,” which for Robertson is to a place where the government is in charge of everyone’s insurance and health care options.

So in Martha’s mind, $1.76 trillion is not enough money to allow HHS to run a website and Obamacare doesn’t go far enough to involve the government in our health care choices. Got it.

NRCC Comment: “Ithaca liberal Martha Robertson is so delusional that she thinks that the reason why Obamacare has been a disaster is because spending $1.76 trillion on the program just isn’t enough. As out-of-touch as that sounds, even worse is the fact that Robertson thinks that we need to go even further than Obamacare and require the government to be in charge of everyone’s health care choices.” – NRCC Spokesman Ian Prior