These Four CHIFS Explain Why President Obama’s Budget Is Not Good For Anyone
President Obama will try to act like his latest budget proposal isn’t a debt-hiking, deficit-building, fiscally irresponsible blueprint for an uncertain future. But it is. Not only does his budget never balance, but it will increase the national debt to unprecedented levels while increasing spending to record highs for decades to come. House Republicans, meanwhile, have introduced a budget that will responsibly balance, cut spending, and reduce the debt.
Check out these four CHIFS (charts with GIFS) that perfectly illustrate just how irresponsible President Obama’s proposed budget is.
The President’s budget creates deficits as far as the eye can see and never balances. Ever.
The President’s budget sharply increases the national debt to, as a share of the economy, nearly 200%. The Republican budget works to responsibly reduce the debt.
While the Republican budget controls and reduces spending, the President’s budget steadily increases federal spending to historic highs…
…and even 25 years from now, federal spending will still be rising under the President’s budget plan!